Tim's 7th SEA Site

7th SEA Gamers Help Screen

This handout helps save look-up's in the books
Exploding Dice
Reroll 10's, no limit.
Never roll more than 10 dice at one time; if rolling more than 10 dice, drop them and change them into kept dice.
Ex: 12k6(Roll twelve dice Keep Six) becomes 10k8.
10k10 and still have extra dice, the leftover becomes a bonus of +10:
Ex: 15k10 becomes 10k10+50
11k11 becomes 10k10+20.

Traits tell you how many dice you keep during any roll.
Rank "0" Traits
Always roll at least one die. A roll of "0" is a Zero, not a "10". A contested roll against a hero with a rank "0" has a "5" for a target number.

Contested Roll
TN is equal to the opposed trait times 5. Each player rolls.

Target Number Chart
5 Mundane
10 Easy
15 Average (default)
20 Hard
25 Very Hard
30 Heroic
35 Never done before
40 Never to be done again

Any TN can be raised in increments of 5 voluntarily to increase just how impressive the success is.
Ex: Called shots, complete tasks more quickly.
If you raise but fail to hit your new modified TN, you fail.
Free Raise
Adds 5 to your roll.

Drama Dice
You begin each story with a number of Drama Dice equal to your lowest trait. They represent hero actions. When you spend one of your Drama Dice, it has one of three effects:
1) You may add one kept die to any one roll. You can spend as many dice as you have to spend.
2) You may recover from being knocked out. You must spend the remainder of the round recovering. Your TN to be hit is 5.
3) You may activate your virtue, activate a villain's flaw, or attempt to prevent the GM from activating your Hubris.
At the end of a story, all your unspent Drama Dice converts into Experience Points. Note*: When you spend a Point to add to a die roll, your GM takes it from you and it goes into his pool.

Roll the number of dice equal to your Panache. These are Action Dice. They dont explode. The number shown on the Action Dice are the phases in which you will get to act. If players or NPC want to go first but perform the same phase, add up the dice, the highest goes first.
Hold your action
A held action can be used any time within a round (10 phases). All actions must be used by the 10th phase or they are lost.
Interrupt Actions
You may exchange two action dice for one in order to act in the current phase.

Passive Defense
Used without using up an action. Equal to 5+(defense knack x5).
This is the number your enemies are usually rolling against in order to hit you.

Prone and getting up
Your passive defense drops to 5.
You must make two raises in order to use your active defense.
It takes an action to stand up.

Roll Finesse + Attack type
Off-hand penalty: -1 unkept die.
Active Defense
A last chance to avoid damage. First you must spend an action die showing this phase. You roll Wits + Defense Knack, keeping Wits, you must use the same Defense Knack against the attack that you used as a passive defense. Your TN is the attackers attack roll. You must equal or exceed the TN to avoid the damage.

Ranged Attack
Number in parenthesis is the maximum distance.
Short Range is any distance up to 1/2 of this range, apply range mod.
Long Range is the distance up to 1/2 and beyond to maximum distance.

Fires against target's Passive Defense only. May not use Parry and may not be avoided with an Active Defense.
Two pistols at the same time with one action. This raises the TN by 5. You dont roll for each attack, the attacks do 5k4.

Melee weapons
Add your Brawn to the first number in the damage rating.
Improvised Weapons
They break if the damage dice explode.

Wound Checks
Every time you have been damaged: Roll Brawn with a TN equal to the flesh wounds you've taken so far up to that point. If you fail the roll, you suffer a Dramatic Wound(+ one additional wound for every 20 you failed the roll by).
Firearms: Take additional wound for every 10 you failed by.
Dramatic Wounds
When you suffer a dramatic wound you erase all the wounds you've suffered so far. If this Dramatic wound brings your total equal to your Resolve you are Crippled. Crippled suffer a penalty of -2 unkept dice to all your rolls.
Twice Resolve: Knocked out.

Roll Finesse + either Stealth or Ambush Knack versus your target's Wits + Ambush, your target is surprised for one phase.
While Surprised: Your Passive Defense drops to 5.
: You can't use any Action, including Interrupt. You are allowed to hold any action you would have normally received.

Expanded Defense Knack Table
Footwork At any time
Parry (weapon) Only when holding that weapon
Balance When fighting on a unstable surface
Climbing When climbing
Leaping When leaping
Riding When riding
Rolling When rolling or sliding
Sprinting When running
Swimming When swimming
Swinging When swinging

Brawn- Strength and Stamina
Finesse- Speed, Agility, Hand-eye coordination
Resolve- Willpower and Determination
Wits- Intelligence and Charm
Panache- Number of actions in a round
