Here are some nasty things to throw at your players...
Brawn 1
Finesse 1
Wits 1
Resolve 1
Panache 2
TN to be hit 10
These nasty little creatures are not much of a fight. Their strength rests in their great numbers.
Their sizes range from 3 feet to as big as 4 feet tall. They use all sorts of weapons, but they are not
very smart. They tend to run away when their losses run high or they loose a leader.
Other skills: See in total darkness.Sneak and Hide: 4k2
Kumo (yes the same spiders from Legend of the Five Rings)
Brawn 1
Finesse 2
Wits 3
Resolve 1
Panache 3
TN to be hit 20
The Kumo are a race of man-sized, shapeshifting spiders. They don't mind human contact but
prefer thier own kind.Powers: *Shapeshift into human form (Cost One Action). *Spit Poison up to
10 feet as a regular attack. Poison has a Brawn of 5. Characters must make a contested roll
against the Brawn or become paralyzed for 10 rounds. *WEB. The web has a Brawn of 5 and
can be very large. They can also shoot these sticky weapons as a regular attack up to 30 feet.
If caught in the webs, the character must make a contested roll vs. the web Brawn to get free.
The Kumo can climb thier own webs with ease.
Brawn 6
Finesse 2
Wits 2
Resolve 2
Panache 1
TN to be hit 20
These big, smelly monsters attack anything. Their sizes range from 9 feet to 10 feet tall. They live
by raiding and eat anything they can get. Powers: *Very Strong.
Brawn 1
Finesse 4
Wits 2
Resolve 2
Panache 2
TN to be hit 15
Elves never get much bigger than 5 feet tall, and they have pointy features. They are excellent
with a bow. They make the forests as their home. Powerers: *Healers-They know many ways
of using natural herbs to speed healing. They make healing rolls At 4k2 and can make such rolls
up to two times per scene per person. *Steath: 6k4; In the forest: 6k5. *Bow masters:
They have all the archer knacks at 6k4. *Tracking: 5k2.
Brawn 1
Finesse 2
Wits 1
Resolve 1
Panache 1
TN to be hit 10
These demon-looking creatures get to be 3 feet tall, if that. They have long tails and a long dog-like
nose. They love to torture and attack in great numbers. They use all types of weapons. Powers: *See in total darkness.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Brawn 8
Finesse 4
Wits 0
Resolve 3
Panache 1
TN to be hit 25
One of the most feared of the Dinosaurs. They eat anything and everything in their path.
They reach sizes of up to 50 feet long and weigh up to 8 tons. Powers: *Bite- 5k4, *Claws- 3k2.
Giant Crocodile
Brawn 4
Finesse 2
Wits 0
Resolve 2
Panache 2
TN to be hit 20
These reptiles are very dangerous. They have massive jaws with many teeth. They can swim very
fast in water and are usually mistaken for floating logs, this comes in handy for ambushing.
Giant Scorion
Brawn 2
Finesse 3
Wits 0
Resolve 2
Panache 2
They are 6 feet long with pincers and a poison tail. Powers: *Claw- 2k2, *Poison tail- If hit, the
character must make a contested roll vs the poison Brawn of 3: Success means he will take only
2k1 in flesh wounds. Failure means the character takes an automatic dramatic wound and is -1 to
all thier dice rolls.
Giant Sea Snake
Brawn 3
Finesse 2
Wits 2
Resolve 2
Panache 2
These reptiles get up to 50+ long. Some are poisonous but all have the constricting ability which
they use to squeeze the life from thier victims and then swollow them whole. As these monsters
get older they grow in intelligence and even learn to speak after a while. They can also dive to great
depths in the ocean. Powers: *Poison has a Brawn of 3 and those hit must make a contested roll.
Success does 2k1 in flesh wounds and a failure causes 2 dramatic wounds and a -1 die to all rolls.
*Constricting- after a grapple the snake begins to squeeze causing 3k3 every action he can make an
attack. To escape, the victim must make a contested roll vs the snake's Brawn. If the snake beats
his target number by 5 it has caught the victims arms and body. *Dive- The snake can make great
dives and stay under for up to an hour. It is unknown just how far the snake can dive.
Brawn 3
Finesse 2
Wits 1
Resolve 2
Panache 2
TN to be hit 20
These beasts grow to be well over 7 feet tall. They have the head of a bull and the body of a very
strong man. They use all types of weapons. Powers: *Headbutt/Horn- 3k3 and victim loses an action.
Tracking (smell)- 3k2
Brawn 6
Finesse 1
Wits 1
Resolve 2
Panache 1
TN to be hit 25
These one-eyed giants are up to 20 feet tall and not very bright. They use trees for weapons as
well as large rocks. They love to eat all types of meat but love human meat the most. Powers:
*Very strong- can hurl boulders 35 yards. Damage from rocks- 7k6
Brawn 1
Finesse 1
Wits 0
Resolve 1
Panache 1
TN to be hit 5
These skinless corpses attack anything without any fear or remorse. It is believed that they were
created by some great evil or mad wizard. There has even been reports of entire ships run by these
bone creatures. Powers: *Immune to pain: 1/2 damage from slashing weapons.
Invulnerable: When a skeleton takes a dramatic wound, it loses a random limb (roll a d10):
1-2 Left arm
3-4 Right arm
5-6 Left leg
7-8 Right leg
9 Cut in half at the mid-section
10 Decapitated
If the head is removed, the skeleton will die.
Red Dragon
Brawn 8
Finesse 6
Wits 6
Resolve 6
Panache 4
TN to be hit 25(on ground), 15(in air)
The Red Dragon is a powerful beast. They are very protective of their treasure which they have plenty of.
Fire Breath: Damage- 6K4, Range: 50 feet, Can use once per turn.
Claw/ Bite: Damage- Brawn+3K3
Flying Dive: Damage- Brawn+2k3, If hit: character is knocked off feet and losses 1d6 actions.